
CDP California Wildfires Recovery Fund

Host Organization: Center for Disaster Philanthropymdi-circle-small Washington, DC, USA mdi-circle-small


Since 2017, California has experienced record-breaking wildfires and fire seasons.

So far in 2024, California has seen more than 1 million acres burned. Although wetter-than-usual conditions in 2023 and early 2024 helped keep fire damage down at the time, the growth of brush because of those rainy seasons created fuel that ignited massive fires in the second half of the year.

With so many fires burning and more expected, we are extremely concerned about smaller communities decimated by fires that might not rise to the level of federal or state disaster designation. A lack of government resources to support long-term recovery and the particularly vulnerable populations in extreme fire hazard areas mean that philanthropic investment may be their only hope for an equitable and holistic recovery process.

Since its inception, CDP has awarded grants to nonprofits and community groups throughout California to help families and entire communities recover through targeted grantmaking that prioritizes medium- to long-term recovery, especially among populations made vulnerable by systemic inequities.

Additionally, CDP recognizes that the disaster cycle does not end after a fire is extinguished. As the severity of the fires intensifies, grantmakers and donors must increase their support before and after wildfires to better position communities to prepare, mitigate, respond and recover.

To effectively address the growing wildfire threat in California, CDP’s experts work directly with local nonprofits to identify specific needs and gaps in funding. CDP consults with many of its in-state partners, such as the governor’s Office of Emergency Service (Cal OES) and other agencies, to assess the long-term needs of affected communities and build collaborative partnerships.

With an intersectional racial equity lens and an emphasis on medium- and long-term recovery, CDP works to identify the best way to direct financial support where it is needed most in California.

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About the Host

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) mobilizes philanthropy to strengthen communities and help them withstand and recover from disasters. They provide information, analysis, and educational resources about disasters through their website, online community, and webinars.

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