We cannot win real progress in this country without investing in powerful rural civic infrastructure that acknowledges the growing diversity, strong relationships, inspiring leaders, and love of place in small towns and rural communities. Heartland Fund brings together local leaders with funding partners and national groups to build power together, and to provide the research, technology, leadership development, and communications platforms these rural innovators need to win over time.
Heartland Fund supports and coordinates high impact rural civic engagement, communications, policy advocacy, and community organizing efforts.
We are raising $10 million this year from national sources annually and finding state and local matches to extend the impact and sustainability of our funding. We will invest the majority of our resources in up to a dozen states where small city and rural efforts have the potential to change outcomes for their communities.
Donors with a particular state, regional, or constituency focus will have the option to direct funds according to their priorities.
Join us! It is past time to invest in the potential of our small towns and rural communities.
Rural Democracy Initiative (RDI) connects rural leaders with national and regional funders to build powerful, permanent civic and political infrastructure in small towns, small cities and rural areas of the US. Our coalition of rural innovators and funders is working in states where progressive rural civic action will most affect public opinion, elections, and redistricting. We're building sustainable organizations to support rural people working to transform rural America — and therefore the entire country — for decades to come.
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