
National Day Laborer Organizing Network: Immigrant Workers Safety Net Fund

Host Organization: National Day Laborer Organizing Network mdi-circle-small Pasadena, CA, United States mdi-circle-small


We are launching the Immigrant Safety Fund to provide immediate resources and financial support so excluded workers can take care of themselves and their families at home.

Without paid sick time leave, remote work capability, health care, access to jobs, and financial security, migrants are uniquely vulnerable, and the support we collectively muster for the Immigrant Safety Fund might be the only lifeline for thousands of people most at risk in our communities. All resources we collect will be rationed and distributed throughout our network; and your support will directly help thousands of families across the country.

At worker centers and day laborer corners across the country, NDLON member organizations are working tirelessly to make certain that financial support makes it directly into the hands of day laborers and low-wage workers that need it the most. In addition to offering financial assistance, our member organizations are also organizing food banks, distributing grocery gift cards, and even manufacturing face masks for essential workers who continue risking their lives daily so that others can stay safely at home.

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About the Host

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) was officially founded in July 2001 in Northridge California at the first-ever national gathering of day laborer organizations. It was formed as an alliance of 12 community-based organizations and worker centers dedicated to improving the lives of day laborers in the United States. Over the years, NLDON has grown as a nationwide organization and is supported by an amazing growing staff committed to social justice. Its beginnings and growth are remarkable in that it remains committed to an authentic grassroots connection to its base of member organizations and the day laborer community.

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