Giving Compass' Take:

· Brenda McLaughlin discusses five benefits of summer learning programs for educators. Not only is the summer a great time for students to keep up with their learning, but it also provides numerous advantages for teachers. 

· What summer programs exist in your area? How can these be expanded and built upon? 

· Read more about improving the outcomes of children.

Study after study confirms that summer learning loss is a yearly phenomenon in our nation and that it keeps millions of children from reaching their full potentials.

The good news: Summer is an ideal time for students to gain skills, and it opens opportunities for renewal and growth for educators who serve in high-quality summer learning programs.

Here are five ways that summer learning programs empower educators:

  1. Teachers gain new professional skills — Summer programs, particularly those with evidence-based solutions, empower teachers to discover and hone new instructional methods to overcome common teaching challenges, and apply those lessons in the classroom during the regular school year.
  2. Instructional coaches have more time for feedback — Teachers serving in summer programs that evaluate and give constructive feedback can learn what they are doing well and what skills they need to improve.
  3. There’s ample opportunity to build relationships with students — Summer programs give teachers a unique opportunity to bond with students they may teach in the fall.
  4. Educators gain fresh perspectives — Teaching students over the summer can lead to more dramatic results.
  5. The chance to earn more money — Participating in summer programs can help teachers supplement their incomes while continuing to do something they love.

Simply put, participating in a summer learning program is time well spent that can help teachers jumpstart their careers or reconnect with the passion that first brought them to teaching. They can connect with students from their past, present and future while also improving their financial situations.

Read the full article about summer learning programs by Brenda McLaughlin at The Hechinger Report.