Donate to organizations on the ground. It feels horrible to read the news about people drinking out of creeks and children running out of food and not be able to do anything about it. But we CAN do something about it. And remember how much we all hate restricted funding? Make sure your donation is general operating so that these orgs can use it however would be most effective.

Watch mindless television. We are in the golden age of television. Take advantage of it. Maybe stay away from serious stuff like Man in the High Castle, which is starting to hit a little too close to home.

Immerse yourself in nature. Countless studies have shown the direct benefits of being surrounded by trees and water and stuff. Take time to go on a hike. Gaze at the mountains.

Meditate: Meditation is not just for hippies, and it does not need to be difficult.  Try what works for you. It could be as simple as spending five or ten minutes a day breathing in and out deeply.

Read the source article at Nonprofit AF