Giving Compass' Take:

• Alex Kotch at Sludge reports that donor-advised fund companies are serving as pass-throughs to hate groups.

• How can these charitable fund companies create stronger regulations to their donating systems? 

• Learn about why hate groups continue to grow in America. 

Several charitable gift funds, including the largest charity in the United States, are helping dozens of hate groups raise millions of dollars by giving their donors a way to keep their identities secret.

Donors Trust, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Schwab Charitable Fund, and Vanguard Charitable are donor-advised funds that provide individual donors with accounts and contribute their money, attributed to the funds, to the nonprofits of the donors’ choice. These kinds of funds allow donors to keep their charitable money in one place and to save on taxes. They also help these donors keep their names secret by eliminating paper trails at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the organizations receiving the funds that could tie them to their donations.

Read the full article about inadvertently funneling donations to hate groups by Alex Kotch at Sludge