While it is great to count our blessings and appreciate what we have, it’s also important to turn that thanks into something actionable. This year, we’re focusing on funders and how they can show that they value their grantees.

The gut reaction may be to think that grantees should be grateful to funders for the resources that fund infrastructure and projects, but it’s vital for us to realize that funders owe even more thanks to their grantees.

So, what are some creative ways funders can show appreciation to their grantees this Thanksgiving season? Here’s how NCRP staff responded:

Given that it’s the year’s end, I think funders could give surprise grants to their grantees, or others who narrowly missed being selected as a part of the year’s portfolio.” - Jeanne Isler, Vice President and Chief Engagement Officer


“Funders can show appreciation to their grantees by first, thanking them for all they do and second, asking them: ‘What three things could I do that would help you be even more impactful?’ And of course, actually do some of those things.” - Lisa Ranghelli, Senior Associate for Research and Public Policy


Read the full article by Jack Rome about grantee appreciation from National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy