Giving Compass' Take:

• Kathleen Newland, Mary Giovagnoli, and David Scott FitzGerald discuss the diverging trends in protections for refugees at national and international levels. 

• How can funders come to understand these trends to better develop immigration approaches? 

• Learn about philanthropic strategies to support refugees

This conversation explores the factors behind this divergence between the international community and national policies and what it means for cooperation at the international level.  MPI’s Kathleen Newland discusses what has been accomplished through the Global Compact on Refugees and what its implementation is likely to accomplish. Mary Giovagnoli, of Refugee Council USA, examines how protection policy has shifted in the United States and the implications this has for the ability of the international community to respond to global refugee needs. David Scott FitzGerald shares insights from his book, Refuge beyond Reach, regarding how asylum policies in high-income democracies have been adapted to shut down most legal paths to safety for refugees through a range of deterrence methods that, while complying with the letter of their international commitments to refugees, do not adhere to them in spirit.

Read the full article about Diverging Trends in Protection for Refugees by [] at Migration Policy Institute.