What if every student were asked What do you want to learn about and What do you want to do? on a regular basis?

High school senior Jemar Lee (who attends Iowa BIG) says that if those two questions were asked of all students, the problem of student disengagement would have been solved long ago. He also stresses the importance of student-teacher relationships for authentic engagement.

Jemar was the morning keynote for EdVisions’ pre-Super Bowl week EdExpo 2018 in Minneapolis. The event attracted leaders, educators and innovators committed to transforming schools by personalizing learning and creating opportunities for deeper, more relevant learning.

A student-centered approach is at the heart of EdVisions’ ongoing work and was evident throughout the Expo, which included school visits, and workshops. The non-profit EdVisions — initially established as part of a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s initiative and also part of Hewlett Foundation’s Deeper Learning Network — has long been an influencer in school development, going back to one of the first and most innovative project-based learning high school models in the world, Minnesota’s New Country School.

Student voice goes far beyond lip-service for EdVisions. It is integral to their school design, ongoing work and to events such as the EdExpo. In addition to Jemar’s advocacy for student engagement, there was a student panel both at the event and at each of the school visits.

Read the full article about personalized learning through student voice at Getting Smart.