Giving Compass' Take:

• Kimberly Springsteen-Abbott, writing for Medium, suggests the various ways that corporate philanthropy can combat employee burnout in the workplace. 

• What are the characteristics of philanthropy that make it helpful in responding to burnout?  Are there corporate philanthropy opportunities available to you? 

•  Here are five strategies for effective corporate philanthropy. 

Employee burnout is a real problem, both for companies and employees themselves. Employees who are experiencing burnout are frustrated, may not perform their job duties as well, and are often incredibly stressed, tired, and unwell. Companies see a loss of productivity and profits from this, which is why they must do everything to combat it. Philanthropy might be the answer.

Many employees don’t just want to work for a paycheck. They want to feel as though their work means something and that they are making a difference in some way. Corporate philanthropy encourages employees to be more committed to a company. They are far more likely to respect their employer and be proud of what they do when that employer supports a worthy charitable cause and makes an effort to give back to the community.

  • It Breaks Up The Monotony
  • It Improves Company Culture

Corporate philanthropy offers a strong defense against employee burnout. It gives workers the feeling that their employer wants to make a positive change in the world, gives them something else to do besides their regular tasks, and overall improves a company’s culture and its bottom line. Supporting charitable causes and volunteer efforts is a very effective strategy that companies can use to push back against burnout.

Read the full article about corporate philanthropy by Kimberly Springsteen-Abbott at Medium.