For anyone doubting that young people can change the world, Leah Thomas is proving them wrong. At just 25 years old, Leah is leading the charge for Intersectional Environmentalism, a movement that advocates for and explores the relationship between social justice and environmental issues. As the only Black woman in her environmental studies major at Chapman University, Leah could no longer remain silent about the climate injustices disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable communities on Earth.

Through her organization, The Intersectional Environmentalist, Leah and her team are committed to dismantling systems of oppression and the whitewashed narrative of environmentalism. Join Aspen Challenge: Chicago alumna Yalem Enqubahry and Aspen Young Leaders Fellow AbdulBasit Ajeigbe as they moderate a conversation with Leah about her work as well as the journey of discovering your passion, finding your voice, and the world that opens up when you’re not afraid to stand out in the crowd.

Read the full article about finding your movement at The Aspen Institute.