Fay Twersky, vice president at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, recently launched The Listening Post, a monthly note dedicated to lifting up exceptional ideas, voices, and questions that can help all of us become more effective in our philanthropy. She'll also share what the team at Hewlett is learning alongside its grantees.

Here are a few excerpts from the inaugural edition:

Who should nonprofits take money from? The corollary question for foundations and philanthropists, who are increasingly partnering with one another to drive large-scale change, is about what filters we should place on who we agree to collaborate with.

Listening to beneficiaries: We were curious to learn how foundations are listening to the people they seek to serve. This October, Valerie Threlfall and the Ekouté team provided a terrific scan of what’s happening across the field.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Nonprofit Quarterly, in partnership with the First Nations Development Institute, kicked off an eight-week series highlighting voices of Native American nonprofit leaders with a piece on combating the erasure of indigenous people.

Read the full Listening Post by Fay Twersky. Subscribe to the mailing here.