Giving Compass' Take:

• Betsy Corcoran at EdSurge argues that students from low-income households not only suffer the most from online learning, but data shows they are the ones who are most eager to learn. 

• What are the schools’ most significant challenges with remote learning, and how can communities help? 

• Read about the data showing attendance rates for online learning. 

No one knows how much—or how little—students have been learning as U.S. families began “sheltering in place” in March. But data is starting to emerge showing that students in families with low median annual income are taking a bigger hit than others.

Curriculum Associates’ iReady software is used by more than 8 million students in grades K-8 across the U.S. When COVID-19 struck, the company gave another 2 million students access to its software. But company leaders also wanted to get a glimpse into how usage of their software changed when students moved to studying entirely at home. Curriculum Associates shared the unpublished results with EdSurge.

Researchers at Curriculum Associates started by defining a baseline of the number of minutes per week that students had used iReady to learn reading and math skills, from September through early March. (To get a realistic estimate, they omitted holiday weeks such as Thanksgiving and late December.) Next, using Census data on median household income, the researchers bucketed schools into four annual household income brackets, ranging from below $50,000 to above $100,000.

Read the full article about who's affected when learning goes all online by Betsy Corcoran at EdSurge.