Giving Compass' Take:

• Sydney Johnson, writing for EdSurge, gathers a panel to discuss the impact of MOOCs on universities after seven years since being introduced into higher education. 

•  How can colleges and universities strengthen MOOCs successfully and scale impact?

• Read more about how MOOCs impact approach to student learning. 

A lot has changed since 2012 or, the year the New York Times dubbed the "Year of the MOOC." The premise back then was that classes would make high-quality online education accessible for all—and for free. Today, many MOOC providers now charge a fee. They’ve rolled out bundles of courses called ‘Specializations’ or ‘Nanodegrees.’ And popular providers like Coursera and edX are increasingly partnering with colleges and universities to offer MOOC-based degrees online.

So, seven years after the “Year of the MOOC,” we’re wondering: Where are these courses and companies today? And how are universities responding?

EdSurge recently hosted a meetup where we invited a group of experts to weigh in on those questions, and they offered some fascinating insights. The speakers included Dhawal Shah, founder of Class Central, Amy Ahearn, associate director at Acumen+, Kapeesh Saraf, head of growth and consumer products at Coursera, and Kristin Palmer, director of online learning at University of Virginia.

This week, we’re bringing the event to you—via the podcast of course. Listen to the discussion on this week’s EdSurge On Air podcast. You can follow the podcast on the Apple Podcast app, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music or wherever you listen. Or read a portion of the interview below, lightly edited for clarity.

Read the full article about MOOCs by Sydney Johnson at EdSurge