A lifelong advocate for civil rights and racial justice, Reverend Willie Barrow marched with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, helped bring Dr. King to Chicago, and was a mentor to Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. and President Barack Obama.

An organizer and leader, Barrow co-founded Operation Breadbasket in Chicago — the precursor to Operation PUSH, where Barrow later served as the first woman executive director — and chaired the board of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition for ten years.

Barrow knew she would not always be able to open her home, to serve as a mentor and godmother to future activists. So she planned a legacy that could support new black leadership for future generations.

She saw first-hand that the civil rights movement was powered by a rich tradition of community giving and reinvestment, with foundations playing a supporting role in funding advocacy, education and litigation.

Read the full article on Reverend Willie Barrow by K. Sujata at Medium