Here’s the latest evolution in episodic giving, WeCanResist.It, developed by Allyson Kapin and colleagues, the app turns Trump’s tweets into donations for social justice orgs like Black Lives Matter, Clean Water Action, National Center for Transgender Equality, etc.    This newest example of rage fundraising in an era of post truth is focused on helping less high profile nonprofits that are doing important social justice work and need funding to sustain their efforts to fight for democracy.

In the US, we have witnessed the emergence of what has been dubbed “Rage Fundraising,” a surge in episodic giving to nonprofits after the election and it continues in reaction to the current US President’s policies, actions and tweets. As my colleague Steven MacLaughlin wrote, earlier this year, “Good by slacktivism, hello actgiving.” It is no more the debate about how to get from a click to a donation, they are donating. But more about how to retain those donors, especially new donors...

Read the source article at Beth Kanter's Blog