Giving Compass' Take:

• In this podcast, Rhodri Davies and Adam Pickering discuss the relationship between philanthropy and place, covering issues such as civic philanthropy and how we think about new communities for giving. 

• What are the benefits of localized giving? What are the downsides?  How can donors expand philanthropy to instill cultures of giving in new places?

• Here are some lessons from funders on place-based philanthropy. 

In this episode, Rhod and Adam look at the relationship between place and philanthropy. Topics covered include:

Does charity still begin at home?: Has the relationship between place and philanthropy become weaker over time, and what if anything can we do to reverse this downward trend? Can philanthropy be used to boost civic identity and pride, or does it rely on people having an existing sense of place?

The dark side of civic philanthropy: When does philanthropic action within a local area start to become a problem? We consider examples like Detroit, where philanthropic funders stepped in to cover vital services when the city went bankrupt, and what these highlight about the potential risks.

A new sense of place?: What does 'place' actually mean to each of us? In a highly connected, mobile world, do traditional notions of geographic locality have any relevance when it comes to philanthropy? Should we instead be thinking of new dispersed communities of interest or identity, such as diaspora communities? Or has technology actually made us think more locally than ever?

Read the full article about philanthropy and place by Rhodri Davies and Adam Pickering at GivingThought.