A Tulane University proposal to establish a comprehensive system of infectious disease response, from early detection to the development of new treatments, has been named a "Best Bet" by one of the nation’s leading philanthropic research centers.

The Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP), which is widely recognized as a trusted source of knowledge and education to help donors do more good, sees great potential in a Tulane plan to combat infectious diseases, like Ebola and Zika, before they burst onto the world stage in the form of epidemics. The recognition by the University of Pennsylvania-based CHIP shines a light on deserving proposals that the MacArthur Foundation, a leading supporter of nonprofits, cannot fund but hopes others will.

Tulane was one of 1,904 institutions and groups that submitted proposals for the MacArthur Foundation’s 100& Change grant, which awards $100 million to a single project that can make measurable progress toward solving a significant problem. CHIP analyzed MacArthur’s top applications and identified 11 "Best Bets" that didn’t get the big prize but have the greatest potential for impact.

Read the full article about Tulane's disease-fighting effort among "best bets" for donor support at Tulane University.