Giving Compass' Take:

•  The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence plans to teach the language of sustainability through an online platform called the Sustainability Academy. 

• How will this encourage more people to be active in producing a sustainable environment? How will CSE start recruiting people to enroll? 

• Read about how more than 600 companies are making commitments to sustainable policies. 

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) wants to change the world.  We’re taking on a piece of this “small group of thoughtful, committed citizens” with an initiative to reach 100,000 of them by 2020!

CSE has created the Sustainability Academy, an innovative online platform for organizations to maximize their Social Impact!  The goal is to teach the language of sustainability, promote its common goals and explain its unifying principles, across disciplines and international boundaries.  With the academy, companies can educate their staff, suppliers and other stakeholders in the field of Sustainability.

For start-ups, world-changing opportunities are even greater.  The academy platform helps organizations support Social Entrepreneurship and young entrepreneurs who want to start careers and enterprises already focused on sustainability.

Established corporations or new, building a common understanding, knowing key definitions, where to turn for advance guidance, how to report ones successes – these all add to financial performance.

Read the full article about training sustainability professionals and entrepreneurs from the Centre for Sustainability & Excellence at CSR Wire.