Giving Compass' Take:

• Here are six trends that predict how sustainable investing may change and reshape CSR practices in a post-COVID-19 world. 

• One prediction is that ESG investing will become the new normal. How will this impact the charitable giving sector? 

• Learn more about what COVID-19 has taught us about the future of impact investing. 

In John Lennon’s last album, in 1980, he released the song "Beautiful Boy," which showcased his deep love for his son Sean. The song’s lyrics included the prophetic quote "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

As we struggle to bring into focus the long-term impacts of a post-COVID-19 world, Lennon’s quote is a poignant reminder of the uncertainties that lie ahead for corporate sustainability executives and investors.

We are approaching an inflection point in the crisis where savvy investors are fundamentally reassessing economic, environmental, social and governance factors to adjust to the new normal. Many investment firms are modifying their strategies and valuation models over the long-term in the wake of the pandemic.

Here’s how astute investors can equip themselves for a volatile future by determining whether the companies they hold are future-fit.

Over the next 12 to 36 months, the following six megatrends promise to reshape the business practices and investing:

  1. Deficits squeeze firms relying on government procurement
  2. Inflation roars as a result of stimulus and quantitative easing
  3. Commercial real estate bubble emerges from business closures
  4. Unemployment lingers at around 10 percent
  5. Multiple capitals thinking transforms decision making
  6.  ESG investing becomes the new normal

Read the full article about sustainable investing by  Mark Tulay at GreenBiz.