Following the kickoff of the Aquacelerator, EnerGaia, partnering with land, building, and factory owners to utilize excess space for the cultivation of spirulina, has been hard at work facilitating impact in the Indian Ocean region. Today’s blog provides a recap and photo diary of their journey they have undertaken, supporting economic empowerment for local women entrepreneurs and local farmers and fishermen overall to prevent overfishing and bring sustainable algae products into the fold in innovative ways.

Antenna Trust, and EnerGaia are providing a way for local women entrepreneurs to earn a steady income by growing spirulina. Saumil, Maddie and Bonnie went to Madurai to install a demo system. The Antenna team has successfully harvested their first kilos of spirulina and plan to expand the number of tanks to 1000 within this year. This farm will employ up to 30 women. 70% of the spirulina harvest will be purchased by EnerGaia while the rest will be distributed amongst rural malnourished children or sold locally by Antenna...

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