People who endured childhood adversity, like abuse or neglect, were more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19 in adulthood, a new study finds.

Specifically, higher self-reported childhood adversity was linked to 12-25% higher odds of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality.

While age, sex, ethnicity, health, and sociodemographic factors have been related to such outcomes throughout the pandemic, this is the first study finding a link between these COVID-19 outcomes and childhood neglect and abuse.

Using the UK Biobank in Great Britain, researchers took a deep dive into information provided by more than 151,200 adults of middle age or older. What the numbers showed was that people who reported “adversity” such as abuse or neglect in childhood were more likely to die or be hospitalized from COVID-19.

“These findings highlight how trauma early in life can have long-lasting impacts on health decades later,” says lead study author Jamie L. Hanson, an assistant professor in psychology and a researcher in the Learning Research & Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh.

“We know that COVID-19 is related to excessive hospitalization and death in the UK and in the United States. And there’s emerging research finding that facing adversity, abuse, or neglect, early in life, could have sizable effects on physical health.

“But no one had tried to connect these two trends. Knowing a bit more about someone’s early development could be important to help reduce disparities in COVID-19.”

Read the full article about covid and childhood trauma by Nicholas France at Futurity.