The statements in the April 9 letter from Lawrence German need to be addressed. Much has changed regarding charter schools and education reform since his term on the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education (1981). Phony facts are being perpetuated and need correction.

Charter schools are part of the public school system. They are not private schools. Charter schools are not an enemy of traditional public schools but complement them. Our (traditional) public schools are good schools and serve our state well, but that does not mean that there cannot be room for improvement or, most importantly, another way to reach students and help them succeed. Charter schools give students an option when one-size-fits-all “traditional school settings” do not work.

Charters are also living laboratories for innovation, for trying new teaching and learning techniques. And, charter schools are open to any and every student.

Charter schools are called charter schools because the schools present an education plan and are granted permission – a charter – to proceed. The charter community in New Mexico wants state regulations and enhanced state oversight of charter schools. Fair regulations strengthen our schools and provide accountability. Charter schools and traditional public schools should be closed or reformed when they do not meet their mission or violate our laws.

Read the source article at Albuquerque Journal