Though a new year typically represents a fresh start for nonprofits, it can also be a time to put well-thought-out plans into motion. The first few months of a new year, while not always indicative of how the year will go, do have a direct impact on how much progress a team can make on set goals.

To set the stage for how well an organization is able to weather setbacks and meet challenges head-on, it’s imperative that leaders take steps to make sure the team starts the new year off on the right foot. To help, 16 Forbes Nonprofit Council members each share one task or activity they carry out with their teams in January to ensure the new year gets off to a strong start.

  1. Hit The Ground Running
    The first of the year is when we implement the plans that were strategically developed during the months prior. We prepare in the fall to ensure our teams have clarity and are ready to hit the ground running in January. Factored into those plans is the ability to be nimble should we need to make calculated adjustments in the pursuit of our annual goals and mission. - Jerry Haag, One More Child
  2. Hold An All-Hands Session
    We kick off every January with an all-staff session focused on the year ahead. We reshare our organizational objectives to develop consensus on what success and accountability for all elements look like within our annual plan. We revisit our org chart to celebrate promotions, define any changes to roles and responsibilities and demonstrate how staffing changes advance our goals for the year. - Rosie Cunningham, Family Reach
  3. Set Intentions For The Year
    My team sets yearly intentions in January. Last year, our intention was "Trust and Respect," and this year it's "De-siloing." Intentions are set based on our previous year's experiences and serve as a lens through which we do our work. This strategy supports a culture of psychological safety when we need to make tough decisions or try new things. - Kristiana Almeida, League to Save Lake Tahoe

Read the full article about nonprofit teams at Forbes.