The Latin American Philanthropy and Generosity Conference, which took place in Panama on 23 September 2024, marked a significant milestone in the region’s evolving philanthropic landscape. Organized by GivingTuesday’s Latin American and Caribbean Hub in partnership with Good Deeds Day, the Latin American Philanthropy Conference attracted over 120 participants from 17 countries across the Americas.

Latin American Philanthropy Conference Participants Rethink Philanthropy From the Bottom Up

The event stood out for its diversity, bringing together a rich array of voices to help reshape how giving is understood and practised in the region. Historically, philanthropy gatherings have been convened by large, well-established foundations and institutions, with conversations focussing on international aid flows and grant-making. In contrast, the Latin American Philanthropy Conference participants were leaders of grassroots organizations, social movements, and nonprofits, many of whom work tirelessly in their local communities to address poverty, fight for human rights, and build a more equitable future.

This emphasis on local voices at the Latin American Philanthropy Conference underscored a critical truth: philanthropy can only be fully understood and effectively practised by including those closest to the addressed challenges. “Philanthropy in Latin America needs to be appreciated as much more than just financial support coming from foundations,” says João Paulo Vergueiro, Director of GivingTuesday LAC Hub. “We urgently need to recognise and promote mutual aid, solidarity, and a community-based approach to generosity that uplifts everyone.” The conference emphasized the need for new models of philanthropy that centre on partnership, inclusion, and local leadership rather than traditional hierarchies.

New Conversations and Connections

The agenda was, above all, participative. Expert presentations were short, while longer sessions focussed on peer learning with a focus on replicability. Three key areas of focus were:

Community Campaigns

Pablo Viñas (Dominican Republic), Diana Cano (Colombia), Lilián Fernández (México), and Karol Rottiers (Perú) were four of the many leaders at the Latin American Philanthropy Conference sharing local examples of how to inspire communities and citizens to engage in giving and doing good. Multiple sessions underscored the innovative ways social challenges could be addressed by recognising and drawing on local resources, not just money but time, talent, and social capital.

Read the full article about the Latin American Philanthropy and Generosity Conference by João Paulo Vergueiro and Anita Gallagher at Alliance Magazine.