Over the past year, ideas42 partnered with Democracy Works, the makers of TurboVote, to learn more about the barriers to voting in local elections. Given our organizations’ shared goal of increasing the representativeness of local electorates, we paid close attention to barriers that were particularly pronounced among voters who are traditionally underserved by elections infrastructure, especially communities of color.

With the help of voters in New York City, Detroit, Boston, Atlanta, Richmond, and New Orleans, our team uncovered four key barriers to participation, which we detail in our new report Voting Local: Promoting More Equitable Participation in Local Elections. We then delivered over 85,000 custom text message notifications to TurboVote users in our target cities to tackle these barriers head on.

The barriers we uncovered provide important nuances for how people’s desire and ability to vote in local races are commonly undercut. For instance, we found that many people disengage from local elections because they lack a strong connection to the place where they currently live or are skeptical that candidates would reliably represent their needs. We found these sentiments repeated even by those who otherwise were eager to participate in national elections for high-profile offices like the President, even though local races often have a more direct impact on their day to day lives. Like me, they were transplants or had strong preconceived notions about who local elections were meant for. Their image of the “typical” local voter was often of an older person who owned their home and had kids in public schools.

Of course, there are those who intend to vote in every election who still struggle to follow through. We heard reports in every city that people do not feel prepared enough to participate in local elections and as a result the consequences of making the wrong decision feel worse than not voting. Contrary to popular belief, almost everyone we spoke with had an intuitive understanding of how important local elections were to their daily lives. They felt that choosing “correctly” was in fact so important that it was less risky to sit out all together than risk voting in a way that caused harm to their community. One man in Atlanta captured this do no harm ethos poetically when he told us a local race, “has a more direct impact, and you don’t know if you’ve led the snake into the garden. You like the wrong politician, and suddenly your waters are polluted.” 

While a typical voter outreach campaign may go all in to convince voters about the stakes of the election, if they don’t properly support people by connecting them to simple, actionable, and resonant resources, then they risk demobilizing voters by amplifying the consequence of making the wrong choice.

Read the full article about barriers to voting by Maya Alper at ideas42 | Democracy Works.