It has been heartening to see our Mission Continues family rally together to help us in Houston during Hurricane Harvey. As we have worked with Houston communities for years, it is saddening to see the damage done. While our platoon members and staff are focused locally with neighbor-helping-neighbor efforts as well as working with their operational partners right now, we are planning our long-term recovery efforts too.

I know there are no quick fixes for all that Houston has endured. We weathered this storm and we are committed to rebuilding our communities. We are adjusting the objectives of all five of our Houston operations to include long-term, ongoing recovery operations. This is what Mission Continues is all about — we’re in it for the long haul.

Thanks to Team Houston for the long hours, continuing to work through weekends, and everyone for all their support nationwide. We’ll need the support in the coming months and years to rebuild.

Our prayers certainly go out to our friends in Miami and the east coast as they prepare for Hurricane Irma.

Read the source article at Mission Continues Blog