Giving Compass' Take:

• John Canty from Doctors Without Borders writes about conditions inside a Rohingya refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh — resources are growing scarce and a punishing environment is making a bad situation worse.

• How can we help those suffering the most? Supporting organizations like DWB would be a start, as they are directly bringing medical aid to camps such as this one.

Here are more ways that those involved in aid work can help address the Rohingya crisis.

We hear the words “Rohingya”, “refugees” and various other terms, but let’s not forget — these are people, just like you and I. Although they are from different cultures and backgrounds, they still wish to live in their own home, eat nice food, drink clean water, access education for themselves and their children, socialize with family and friends, and experience all the many other intimacies and intricacies of normal everyday life.

The land of rolling hills provided to the refugees however is of a poor quality. As the refugees do not have any legal status in Bangladesh they cannot work and they cannot leave the camps to try to eke out a better life for themselves and their families elsewhere within Bangladesh.

This area is also susceptible to seasonal flooding and devastating cyclones, making it difficult to sustain life and promote well-being. The result is that this already vulnerable population is entirely reliant on aid.

There just has to be a better way.

There has to be a way of improving the livelihoods and improving the prospects of a population who are not wanted in their country of birth. We hope for an urgent resolution from the powers that be to resolve the plight suffered by our Rohingya brothers and sisters.

Read the full article about the Rohingya crisis by John Canty at Doctors Without Borders.