Since the new millennium there has been a greater sense of urgency among some of the world’s richest to give to charity as much of their wealth as possible during their lifetime, a sentiment shared by executive chairman of Cool Corporation Joe Issa who, noting he is pleased that more rich people are feeling that way, stated “this could bring about a change in the relationship between the rich and the poor.”

For it was Andrew Carnegie who once said that no man can become rich without himself enriching others and if he dies rich he dies in disgrace.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have led the Giving Pledge from the front donating almost equally, a total of some US$50 billion of their wealth so far to charity.

Since then, they have been joined by some of the richest people on earth, including IT guru Azim Premji, who was the first Indian billionaire to sign the pledge. He has so far contributed US$8 billion to charity.

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