Here’s a request — Pause, look around, and change what you can. Empower others and spread some sparkle.

1. Food

Don’t throw food in garbage. I stopped doing it years ago, when I was a kid. Empty your plate.

Donate to feed:

  • The Hunger Project
  • Feeding India
  • Akshaya Patra

2. Blood

Every 2 seconds, someone needs blood. Don’t fear the needle; you can save lives. Donate blood, at least once.

Donate blood or register as a donor

  • Blood Bank India

3. Forests and trees

Plant trees, use less paper products, recycle, live a simple life and try other other ways. Do whatever you can.

Donate to grow trees

  • Plant a Billion Trees
  • OneTreePlanted
  • Ecosia (Plant trees while you search the web)


4. Pollution

Do whatever you were taught in school — Recycle, reuse, avoid plastic, and don’t litter. Do everything in you have a control over.

Donate to save the Earth

  • Green Peace
  • PlasticPollutionCoalition

Read the source article at