The Washington Free Beacon is an online newspaper. It published an article Wednesday revealing the funders supporting the progressive organization Center for Community Change.

It insinuates that there is something nefarious going on in the fact that the Center for Community Change doesn’t routinely disclose its donors. But that’s fairly normal in the world of 501(c)3 charities.

I wonder about the utility of this information. Is it really supposed to surprise anyone, or provide anyone with useful information, to know that a nearly 50-year old organization (the Center was founded in 1968, it appears) with a progressive orientation is being funded by donors who often fund progressive causes? Are people who have in the past thought well of the work done by the Center supposed to view it with suspicion now that they know that George Soros is funding it?

Read the full article on revealing donor's identities by Sean Parnell at Alliance For Charitable Reform.