Can grants managers play a role in helping nonprofits get the technology funding they need to be successful?

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Organizations often apply for less money than they need even when we specifically invite them to apply for more. Maybe site visits could help us better understand their tech needs and give them confidence to submit a strong application. But that takes time and expertise, so maybe we could partner with nonprofit technology organizations to conduct assessments.

Most foundation staff aren’t experts in technology and we need access to that expertise in grant decisions. What about inviting a tech person to be part of a review committee?

Rules that limit admin expenses to a certain percentage or put a cap on technology amounts might need to be loosened up.

It’s a challenge to persuade our board to fund technology instead of programs.

Real, honest communication with grantees.

Our nonprofit readers should find it encouraging that foundations are increasingly concerned about this issue and examining their practices to find out how they can be more supportive of technology needs.

Read the source article at Idealware

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