Giving Compass' Take:

• Involving children in philanthropy sets them up for a lifetime of altruistic activity. These concrete steps can help to get them involved. 

• How can you make philanthropy interesting and relevant to children in your life? What altruistic tendencies can you encourage and build on?

• Ask yourself these 10 questions about your family's philanthropy

Many of us adults give considerable thought to how we will pass along our money to the rising generations in our families when we die. Far fewer of us also consider how we will pass along our “value assets” – our family’s unique approach to community, giving back and helping others, while we’re living.

The passing along of family values cannot take place all at once, in a few conversations towards the end of life or in a paragraph buried in a will. Rather, to be effective, it must be an ongoing and integral part of family communications from the time children are very young well into their adult years.

When children reach the age to receive an allowance, consider the “three jars” approach: one jar for spending, another for saving and one for giving. One-third of the allowance should go into each jar. Help the child identify a personally meaningful charity to periodically receive the contents of the “giving” jar.

Children who are old enough to more actively participate can do all of the above, as well as join with older family members in a volunteer project – such as packing meals at a food pantry, tutoring younger children or engaging in a cause-related walk, run or ride. Meaningful volunteer activities can also be included as part of family vacations, especially abroad.

As children grow older, they can become more meaningfully involved in family giving decisions.

Read the full article about involving kids early in family philanthropy by Bruce DeBoskey at The Denver Post.