The nonprofit sector has always been unique, largely because of the social mission at its heart. In the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, I saw this philanthropic purpose tested greatly as community needs and service demands shot up while donations, volunteering and other forms of support declined. It was a difficult time for organizations that struggled to continue providing services. Traditional funding methods were unworkable, and some organizations were likely running at a deficit. They may have had to terminate programs or even close their doors.

Nevertheless, they persisted. As the pandemic dragged on, nonprofits rallied. Thanks to generous donations and to their own initiative, I saw philanthropic organizations transform challenges into successes and find imaginative solutions that helped them stay afloat and even flourish. In a 2022 survey from the Nonprofit Finance Fund, a staggering 88% of nonprofits surveyed said they have changed the way they work, and more than half of those think that the changes are here to stay. When we usher in a post-Covid-19 future, what will the new normal in the nonprofit sector look like?

The nonprofit sector sometimes lags behind in innovation. Nevertheless, as the marketing director of a company that offers an online fundraising platform, I saw the pandemic force organizations to modernize and innovate, which brought positive transformation to how they communicate, engage donors and raise funds.

Read the full article about nonprofits thriving during the pandemic by Evgeny Redjebov at Forbes.