The nonprofit industry is all about relationships, especially for aspiring and new nonprofit workers. These mission-centric organizations built on supporting people and communities thrive through the connections professionals build throughout their careers.

Knowing how to not only effectively build but also develop long-term connections with people both in and out of the nonprofit sector is a skill that may not come easily, especially for young or new nonprofit workers. To help, 16 Forbes Nonprofit Council members offer advice for young or new nonprofit professionals on making the right connections when networking, as well as the impact it can have on their career or mission.

1. Lead with Value, Authenticity, and Consistency

Building a successful nonprofit network for new nonprofit workers starts with valuing relationships and nurturing them with authenticity and consistency. Build trust by offering support first. A strong network built on trust opens numerous doors in a variety of ways that empower nonprofit professionals to amplify their organization’s mission and create long-term sustainability. - Erica Arias, Los Angeles Police Museum

2. Focus on Building Genuine Relationships as a New Nonprofit Worker

When networking for new nonprofit workers, focus on following up and asking how you can help your new connection, as it’s how you truly stand out. Networking isn’t about pitching yourself; it’s about building relationships. Think of it as a pipeline to future success, just like donor stewardship. You never know where someone’s path will lead or when you’ll have the chance to support, celebrate or collaborate with them. - Karen Cochran, Philanthropy Innovators

3. Connect with Your Organization's Leader

As a new nonprofit worker, it is essential to collaborate with your nonprofit leader to strategize the rooms you need to be in order to network. Leveraging these connections will pay dividends in your career. - Libbie Sonnier, Louisiana Policy Institute for Children

4. Consider the Value You Offer as a New Nonprofit Worker

Networking for new nonprofit workers isn't about going to events and collecting contact information from as many people as you can. Networking is identifying people whose values and purpose align with your own and creating mutual value. Before you ask for something, think about what you have to offer. - Danielle Moss Cox, Oliver Scholars

Read the full article about supporting new nonprofit professionals at Forbes.