The issue of the minimum wage has often cropped up both in the headlines and on the political agendas of the federal government, state houses, and local municipalities. The “Fight for 15” is a common rallying cry for workers, labor unions, and others, including many nonprofit advocacy groups, as the reality dawns of what it takes to live above a subsistence level, particularly in urban areas.

The picture is not pretty for minimum wage workers, many of whom work in the nonprofit sector and in the service industry.

There is an opportunity here for nonprofits and their funding sources to take the high road and support higher wages for their lowest-paid workers no matter what their state government sets as a base. But this will not be easy.

There is an opportunity here for nonprofits and their funding sources to take the high road and support higher wages for their lowest-paid workers no matter what their state government sets as a base. But this will not be easy.

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