When The 19th launched in 2020, we made our content available to other news organizations to republish for free to advance two key objectives: getting more quality politics and policy journalism in front of audiences, and growing our readership as a brand new publisher.

Our stories have since been viewed nearly 5 million times across other news platforms such as The Washington Post, The Guardian, PBS NewsHour, USA Today, Them., Rolling Stone, Teen Vogue, Capital B, High Country News, The Arizona Mirror, Mississippi Today, Wisconsin Watch, The Texas Tribune and more. These republishing partners have been an important part of The 19th’s mission, helping us meet readers wherever they are.

Our partners are expanding the reach of stories about pregnancy, caregiving, disability rights and gender-affirming care, among other topics not typically found in mainstream coverage. They’re picking up stories that elevate the voices of women and LGBTQ+ Americans — particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds — while explaining the impact of policy on these communities. Time and again, our partners confirm that our journalism fills a critical gap in news.

But we also recognize that The 19th is far from alone in our mission.

We are working to make news more representative alongside publishers who have been serving Black, Brown, immigrant and Indigenous communities for generations, as well as a new wave of publishers forging trust and connectivity with folks long overlooked by mainstream media. We want to be another uniting force in journalism, helping alongside others to create a news ecosystem that is fundamentally more representative of our electorate.

And so, as we head into a presidential election year, The 19th is rebooting our partnerships efforts with the creation of The 19th News Network, a new collective of national, regional and local publishers who share in our mission of advancing gender and racial equity in journalism.

Under the leadership of Network Partnerships Editor Abby Johnston and The 19th’s co-founder Amanda Zamora, The 19th News Network will elevate the work of partner publishers while also establishing more pathways for collaboration across organizations.

That means dreaming about what we can accomplish with our strengths combined, working on projects covering some of the most pressing issues in our country, and co-reporting pieces by leveraging the expertise of partner newsrooms and The 19th.

Read the full article about news network by Abby Johnston and Amanda Zamora at The 19th.