In philanthropy, there is a generational shift underway, and nonprofits are presented with an exciting yet complex challenge: how to bridge the gap between older and younger generations in their approach to giving. The differences in how these two age groups view philanthropy require a fresh perspective and strategy for nonprofits to grow their supporter base by activating and engaging younger generations.

Historically, Baby Boomers have played a pivotal role in shaping the philanthropic landscape with their strong tradition of giving and community involvement. Their contributions have fueled many charitable causes and nonprofits over the years. However, as Millennials and Gen-Z grow their philanthropic activities, their contrasting approaches to giving become apparent.

Younger generations, mainly Millennials and Gen-Z, are not just passive donors; they are actively engaged participants who prioritize transparency, impact and direct involvement in the causes they support. Their eagerness to engage with charitable initiatives challenges organizations to adapt and find new ways to connect with these younger generations.

Social media has amplified the voices and influence of Millennials and Gen-Z. They are tech-savvy, using digital platforms to advocate for causes they are passionate about. This online activism enables them to reach a broader audience and create movements that drive change. This evolution in giving presents an opportunity for nonprofits to revitalize their engagement strategies and inspire a new generation of philanthropists to make a meaningful impact.

To effectively bridge the generational gap, nonprofits can pivot toward creating social moments that speak to the values and preferences of younger donors while also incorporating the expectations of older generations. Social moments are dynamic and interactive activities that forge a sense of community and shared purpose, making them essential in engaging younger demographics.

Partnerships also hold potential for nonprofits seeking to bridge generational gaps in philanthropy. Collaboration with brands, corporations and mission-aligned organizations can augment the reach and impact of philanthropic initiatives.

Empathy is a potent force that can bridge generational divides effectively. Nonprofits that lead with empathy can form profound connections with not only younger but also older generations. Understanding the perspectives, concerns and motivations of each age group is key.

Read the full article about demographic gap in philanthropy by Nick Lynch at Forbes.