Giving Compass' Take:

• Robert Peters shares six ways to get involved in your local community. These methods might also lead to other opportunities to meet people and learn about philanthropic events. 

• Are there groups in your neighborhood that focus on community development? Can you identify philanthropic needs in your area?

• Read more about philanthropy at the local level.

No matter where you live, there’s some kind of community life in your neighborhood.

  1. Check out local websites: Most towns have their own websites that features a calendar and announces events or meetings.
  2. Talk to your neighbors: Go ahead and ask your friends and acquaintances if they know about any events or organizations in the community that need help or new members.
  3. Watch poster boards: Volunteer opportunities are often advertised throughout the neighborhood along with open positions in groups. Regular community events are also a great way to meet people who are involved in the neighborhood.
  4. Join a religious organization: Offer to help out with dinners or philanthropic events. Most religious organizations are happy for the help and focus more on serving the community during these events than knowing what your personal beliefs are.
  5. Find volunteer opportunities: Most cities and towns have donations centers, thrift stores, homeless shelters, or animal shelters.
  6. Start your own group: Get some neighbors and friends together and start focusing on finding a solution to a local issue or undertake a service project.

Read the full article on getting involved in your community by Robert Peters at Medium.