Gender bias remains omnipresent in society and still deeply impacts many facets of women's lives, whether it's mental health, employment, or obtaining equal pay.  In the U.S., women earn just 82 cents for every dollar men earn, and Black women are paid 62 cents for every dollar paid to white men.  The racial and gender wage gap is only one example of how women experience bias and discrimination. The potential for women is vast, but there is still more to be done to reach true gender equality. To keep building momentum means challenging the oppressive and biased mindsets that hold women back. 

On March 8, people around the world will celebrate International Women’s Day. It’s a moment to embrace the achievements of women from all backgrounds and a time to challenge your own biases and call out inequality. This year, the theme is #ChooseToChallenge with the message that collective action to challenge bias can lead to meaningful change towards a more equitable world.

For donors, International Women’s Day is an opportunity to impact the lives of women and girls and the perfect impetus to give now and throughout the year.


Women And Girls’ Education: Giving Guide
Giving Compass
This guide provides an overview of where to give, how to address barriers facing women and girls, and bright spots for women and girls' education right now.

Understanding How Black Girls Face Racial And Gender Bias
The 74
Across the nation’s classrooms, multiple studies reveal that Black girls experience gender and racial bias with policies ranging from dress codes to suspensions.

How Behavioral Science Can Drive Progress In Women’s Economic Empowerment
To drive equality and progress in women's economic development, representation is critical. Learn how behavioral science insights can help women participate across industries.

Understanding Progress On Gender Equality And What Funders Can Do
Alliance Magazine
Private funders’ unique autonomy and flexibility can make a huge difference for gender equality at various levels. Understand how to incorporate gender equality practices in your giving, operations, and communication.

What is Indigenous Feminism?
Stanford Social Innovation Review
Discover more about this intersectional practice rooted in challenging women’s roles shaped by colonization and the patriarchy.


How Donors Can Effectively Bolster Latina Leadership
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Only small amounts of charitable giving dollars are centered on empowering and strengthening the efforts of women of color. Here are several ways that funders can invest more in Latina leadership.

Donors Pledge: Advancing Gender Equity During COVID and Beyond
Street Business School
Street Business School,  a women-led organization, launched The Pledge to activate financial commitment to alleviating poverty of women and girls through economic empowerment.

Giving Circle Spotlight: Women's Giving Circle of Howard County
Philanthropy Together
Learn how this women-led giving circle is providing relief to its community by leveraging strengths as a giving circle to address the challenges of COVID-19.


Impact Philanthropy By And For Women
Women's Philanthropy Institute
Women are becoming extremely influential through their investing dollars and purchasing power. Here is a glance at how women can engage in philanthropy that affects them.

Young Women of Color Are Gamechangers: How to Support Them
National Philanthropic Collaborative of Young Women's Initiatives 
Due to historical and deeply-rooted inequities across systems, women and girls of color in the U.S. face unique barriers. One bright spot: There are opportunities for donors to invest in young women of color to build a better future.

Why Feminist Leadership is Integral to Solving Global Challenges
Global Washington
Read insights from the Goalmakers 2020 National Forum hosted by Global Washington about the success of feminist leadership models in advancing gender equality.

How Do We Increase Giving to Women’s and Girls’ Organizations?
Women's Philanthropy Institute
Discover how philanthropic support for women’s and girls’ organizations has changed in recent years and how funders can take bold steps to bolster women's empowerment.

Global Fund for Women
Invest in women’s rights around the globe by directing money and support to women-led organizations that are fighting for justice in their own communities.

Empowerment and Opportunity Fund
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Managed by the Gates Philanthropy Partners, the Empowerment and Opportunity Fund addresses family planning, unpaid work, women in leadership, self-help groups, and financial services.

Urgent Action Fund
Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights
Direct your dollars toward this global women's fund that protects, strengthens, and sustains women and transgender human rights defenders at critical moments.

Care in Crisis Fund
The Care in Crisis fund provides financing for emergency support to women, girls, and communities most at-risk, who are often overlooked in times of crisis.

Event: Womxn Breaking Barriers
United Way of King County
Join the virtual conversation on March 11 and hear from local womxn leaders who will discuss how we can all #ChoosetoChallenge gender bias, stereotypes, and discrimination in our communities.