Giving Compass' Take:

• Fast Company reviews large organizations, spanning a wide range of causes, where your philanthropic dollars could go before the year ends.

• As the article explains, smaller nonprofits need help as well. The best way to go about giving is to do research, develop a strategy and align your money with your mission.

• Need some more guidance? Try our free personal donations manager, Giving Planner.

When the world feels so full of problems, it can be hard to know where you should prioritize your giving. What cause needs the most help? Where will your money go the furthest? Which issue needs solving the fastest?

To make sure these questions don’t paralyze you into not giving at all, several industry groups offer guidance. We’ve gathered three lists that each approach the question differently, from the finding trustworthy brand names, to finding the most cost-effective ones, to ones that will pull at your heartstrings.

One caveat is that many of these organizations are large and national or international. With the ultra-wealthy increasingly in charge of which philanthropic priorities get funded, many smaller, local organizations are the ones in most dire need of your cash — and where your cash will make a big difference.

Read the full article about good causes to give to before the year ends by Ben Paynter at