Giving Compass' Take:

• Writing for Getting Smart, STRIVE Prep's Jose Loera discusses how to foster better communication between parents and teachers, and why such an effort is so important when it comes to student achievement.

• Are nonprofits in the education space doing enough to address any gaps in this relationship? We become so focused on the classroom that we often forget how outcomes can be forged through other means. 

• Speaking native languages is important in this area, and teachers on visas can be such a vital resource

Effective communication is the key to making any relationship successful, and this is especially true in the classroom. In 2012, Harvard Graduate School of Education conducted a study to see just how strong the effect of frequent teacher-family communication is on student engagement. On average, it increased the chances of students finishing their homework by 40%, decreased the number of times teachers had to redirect students’ attention to the task at hand by 25%, and increased class participation rates by 15%.

Based on my experience, here are four tips to help foster a positive and rewarding parent-teacher relationship.

1. Change the way you engage families.
2. Work to bridge the language gap.
3. Create one place for two-way communication.
4. Maintain regular face-to-face time.

Read the full article about how to build a bridge between parents and teachers by Jose Loera at Getting Smart.