Giving Compass' Take:

• The authors identify six strategies to engage employers in community health to reap the benefits of creating healthier lifestyles. 

• What is the role of donors in helping achieve community health goals? 

• Read about how philanthropy can be a catalyst for positive health outcomes. 

  1. A credible convener: Employers want someone who is a recognized champion for the identified goal, who brings resources to the effort, and who is involved out of genuine concern rather than an interest in the spotlight.
  2. Broad representation from the community: Having other employers around the table, along with other community champions, can make a community initiative more appealing.
  3. Identify with mission or goals: The goals of a community-health mission should be broad, important to the community, and clearly articulated.
  4. Individual commitment to health and wellness: Business leaders are looking for people who are passionate about an effort, and who are involved because the subject is important to them rather than because their boss signed them up for a committee.
  5. Organizational commitment to health and wellness: The likelihood an organization will make community health a priority increases when health is a priority within that organization’s own culture.
  6. Demonstrated commitment from collaboration leadership: Employers also look for visible, authentic support and involvement by the leaders of a community health effort, when deciding where to invest time and resources.

Read the full article on engaging employers in community health by Karen Moseley and Nico Pronk, Ph.D. at TriplePundit