No matter where you are in your career, giving back should be part of your life plan. Here’s why these philanthropists and advisers in The Oracles believe in the importance of sharing your resources with others — and how you can give back regardless of where you are in life.

  1. Giving and uplifting others is a way to pay it forward. I’ve always been passionate about giving back. In particular, I get energy from mentoring young adults from underserved communities and helping them navigate their careers. Because I’ve had incredible mentors throughout my career, this is my way of paying forward what I’ve been so generously given.
  2. Giving re-energizes you and makes you better. Since beginning philanthropy in my own life, I’ve found that when I’m away from it for a while, and in my often superficial universe, I start to feel that life lacks meaning. Engaging in philanthropic work gives you perspective and shows you what truly matters in life.
  3. Giving reminds you to shoot for the stars. The desire to give back is one of the greatest gifts written into the hearts of humanity. You don’t have to look far to find someone who needs a friend, advice, or shelter. God provides each of us a generous bounty, which we can all share with the world through our time, money, love, or help.
  4. Giving helps you accomplish your own goals. Like many entrepreneurs, I used to prioritize long-term goals I thought would make a positive difference over small acts of charity. However, chances were good that I’d never have the world-changing impact I hoped for.
  5. Giving is vital for a happy, wealthy life. When my daughters were born, I committed to give them the same chance at a successful career as any male. So I attended the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) Conference to discover ways my company could create opportunities for female leaders.
  6. Giving creates a culture of collaboration. There’s a saying I love: If you want to keep it, you have to give it away. If you’ve had success in your career, it’s your obligation to give back. Take time to coach and mentor others.
  7. Giving builds consumer trust and attracts talent. Philanthropy must be embedded in the purpose of every business and is fundamental for tackling societal issues. This also builds consumer trust and aligns employees, which ultimately improves profitability. For decades, corporations have succeeded by focusing only on the bottom line and shareholder value.

Read the full article about charitable giving by Steve Costello at Thrive Global.