Giving Compass' Take:

• Corporate social responsibility is beneficial to the community and to the company. 

• How can organizations you are involved with give back? What companies successfully engage in charity work?  

• Here are 6 ways to engage in corporate social responsibility

We all know that being charitable is good for the soul, but there are good reasons why charity is not just for the individual. Research shows us that businesses that commit to charitable works, sponsorship, and fundraising reap the rewards as well. Charity may start at home but it thrives in the market place.

Here are just seven quantifiable reasons why charity is not just good for humanity but good for business too…

  1. Being a business that is recognized as charitable increases sales
  2. Charitable giving helps create in-house positivity, increases group morale and promotes team bonding
  3. Firms that are perceived as charitable attract the top talent
  4. Fundraising and charity sponsorship is the best kind of marketing
  5. Charity work creates networking opportunities
  6. Working alongside a charity can help your business reach new audiences
  7. Being charitable enhances a company’s reputation and profile

Read more about why charity is good for business by Lucy-Ann Dale at Medium