Giving Compass' Take:

• Forbes shares an interview from 2018 with energy billionaire John Arnold on why he has become a major force in the conversation about drug prices.

• Will Congress be able to help in making drug prices more transparent? And how should donors direct their resources toward causes they expect the government to ignore?

Here's an article on reducing drug prices through partnerships. 

The Forbes Healthcare Summit convened in New York City in late 2018, gathering executives, investors, researchers and patients to imagine the healthcare system as it should be.

Two billionaires spoke about changing healthcare in very different ways. John Arnold, who Forbes estimates made a $3 billion fortune in energy trading and hedge funds, and his wife, Laura, have made the healthcare world stand up and take notice by supporting organizations that are working to make drug pricing more transparent, backing the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, which produces independent analyses of how much medicines are worth, and Patients for Affordable Drugs, an advocacy group focused on lowering drug costs. Arnold explained his vision for how pharmaceutical pricing should work.

Read the full article about the conversation about drug prices by Stephanie Getman at Forbes