Giving Compass' Take:
- In this podcast, The Asian American Foundation shares its work addressing and combatting the barriers to funding for AAPI communities and underscores the importance of advocacy and narrative change.
- How can individual donors help bolster and amplify AAPI voices?
- Read more on how to practice allyship for Asian-American communities.
What is Giving Compass?
We connect donors to learning resources and ways to support community-led solutions. Learn more about us.
The United States is home to more than 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. AAPI communities are an integral part of our country’s history and they continue to make lasting social, cultural, economic and political contributions. However, they often remain underfunded and overlooked. In this episode, SVCF President and CEO Nicole Taylor is joined by The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) Founding President Sonal Shah in a discussion about how this new foundation aims to address the myriad challenges AAPI communities face. Launched in May 2021, TAAF provides funding and resources to build the infrastructure to improve AAPI advocacy, power, and representation.
In SVCF’s Philanthropy Now podcast series, we explore trends in the world of philanthropy, social impact initiatives in Silicon Valley and beyond, and we look at how SVCF promotes innovative philanthropic solutions to challenging problems.
What you will learn:
- How and why The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) was established
- The current challenges AAPI communities face
- How TAAF unites the public to understand the diversity of AAPI communities, and the importance of outreach and education
- Addressing “color-blindness” and how it perpetuates racism and social justice issues
- How community members and philanthropists can get uplift AAPI communities
Read the full article about barriers to AAPI funding at Silicon Valley Community Foundation.