Giving Compass' Take:

· Writing for InsideSources, Ashley MacLeay shares her opinion that every family deserves the right to choose where their child will go to school because education is not "one size fits all". MacLeay further explains that parents know their child the best and should be able to put them in the best learning environment for them.  

· Should school choice be an option for every child and family? What are some limitations to school choice? 

· Check out this article to learn more about school choice

Do I want my child to be bilingual? 

Will the school across the street be best option for my child if he has a physical or learning disability? 

What if my child excels in the arts, STEM or a trade? Perhaps a school dedicated to that particular craft would be the best route for him.

As a mother-to-be, such questions are starting to pop into my head. I want the best for my son and know I’ll want him to be in an environment suited for his learning style. I don’t yet know what will be best; I’ll get those answers as he grows and shows his unique character and capabilities.

I also know I am not alone. Other parents across America want what’s best for the unique children they are working hard to raise. Thankfully, where I live in the District of Columbia there are options so that parents can find a good match for their children. That’s something I’m celebrating this week, which is National School Choice Week.

Read the full article about school choice by Ashley MacLeay at InsideSources.