Giving Compass' Take:

· Writing for Getting Smart, Adam Kulaas provides his own ideas to better the future of learning and improve education by starting with self assessment and reflection.

· What is the first step towards improving the future of learning? How can we solve the core challenges in education with a solution design mindset?

· Here's more on the future of education and how cities can leverage community assets.

I spend about 99% of my professional (and in keeping it real–personal) time grappling with creating the future of learning with a clear target of actions around doing what is best for kids. In various engagements that include everything from (re)designs to ground up builds, I get to play the role of a tour guide, leading committed teams through the navigation of change. As change is personal, it is often messy and while it sometimes presents a desire to turn back, pushing forward delivers the celebration of arrival.

Continuously learning, I am a forever student that immerses himself in practices, skills and a growing mindset of solution creation. More than ever before, I am convinced that the “answers” lie in a recipe that would be foolishly written in anything but pencil. What began with a variety of change theories, quickly expanded to a reflective journey of exploring creative motivations and “Drive.” Fast forward through a matrix clearing practices of visualization, add a dose of ADDIE and we arrive at design thinking. This recipe, that has so many other active ingredients, delivers a truth that holistic solution design is a mindset, not a framework.

My approach is and will continue to be alive, with expanded iteration upon iteration. It is a blended version of customized mapping that empathetically celebrates the community that is all in for change. It celebrates an opportunity to dream, design and deliver with a fluidity to thrive in the gray area that sits between innovation and improvement.

Read the full article about the future of learning by Adam Kulaas at Getting Smart.