If we think about it, what is it that makes our world special? Chances are that each one of us will have our own unique answer to this question, and that’s exactly the point. We live in a wonderfully diverse world, and there can hardly be any doubt about that. So, it’s difficult to understand why and when did we start to value sameness so much; why don’t our workplaces mirror the diversity that’s all around us; and why is our society still dogged by exclusion?

Research also suggests that embracing differences can be a huge strength. A McKinsey report on 366 public companies found that the more ethnically diverse their management was, the better their financial returns turned out to be. Similarly, a global analysis of 2,400 companies by Credit Suisse found that organizations with at least one female board member enjoyed both a higher return on equity, and net income growth than those without.

While there is no dearth of evidence to support diversity and inclusion (D&I), does D&I really require a business case? Isn’t it quite simply the right thing to have? However, there is a paradox that confronts us — on the one hand we have become more global in our outlook, and more connected as people, while on the other, ultra-nationalism seems to be rising, and becoming more widespread. But, I believe people, especially the younger generations, don’t want to live in a world of exclusion. They aspire to create a better place to live, and work where everyone feels included, and can be themselves without any fear or reservations.

Read the full article about building more inclusive businesses by Olivier Blum at TriplePundit.